I distinctly remember the day that I said “that’s it I’m never studying again”. After school I decided to work full time, and study part time. So, after 7 years of part time study for a Masters Degree, I had had enough of studying!
I stood by my decision not to study again for many years and as it happens it was a terrible decision. Fortunately, overtime I moved on and later engaged in some fantastic development. Some of which changed my thoughts, my performance and the direction of my life.
I hear many people who say “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”. Which can be interpreted as:
- I don’t want to improve myself, I’m doing as well as I would like.
- Or, and this is more likely! I’ve been doing things this way for so long that I’m too stubborn to learn or even consider doing them differently.
Having seen so many older people learn to use online platforms during the pandemic. There is evidence that any old dog can learn a new trick. - I’m concerned if I try to learn, I may fail.

When you are open to personal development and decide to make time for it, you are making an investment in yourself, your business/career and your life. It will support you become a true professional at what you do. You will find yourself making fewer mistakes, being less reactive and spending more time working towards your goals.
There are so many things to learn. Books you can read. Podcasts you can listen to. Personal development audio books. The options are endless.
Over recent years, my investment in myself has been some of the best time, energy and money I’ve spent. I’ve become a better person, business owner and coach.
If you’re not sure where to start, then the first thing you need to do is reflect on where you are now.
Ask yourself some questions:
- What are you good at?
- What are your top 3 achievements?
- What are your top 3 disappointments?
- What fears you the most?
- What are your bad habits?
- Who inspires you and why?
- How do you think you are perceived by others?
- What 3 things are you tolerating?
After you have done this, set yourself two or three personal development or self improvement goals.

Three Reasons to Develop Yourself
1. Shortcut the learning curve and increase your likelihood of success.
If you wanted to be an Accountant, my guess is that you would study accountancy. If you try and learn this by yourself it is going to take a long time and you will make lots of mistakes.
The same is true of any part of life. If you want to know how to do something better, whether that is to be a better leader, business owner or professional, there will be someone who can help you. Someone who has the experience you need. Why learn by making mistakes when you can shortcut it.
2. Personal development unleashes your abilities
You never know how good you can be until you try. Many people live with mediocrity because they doubt there ability, are too afraid to try or don’t realise that they could make their life easier. When you commit to personal development, you unleash your potential. You create opportunities for yourself that may not have been available to you before. You never know your potential until you unlock it.
3. Personal development is the only way to improve
If you want to improve, you will have to do something differently. There is the famous saying “do what you always did, get what you always got”.
Equally, “what got you here, won’t get you there”. Often people think that what has got them this far in their business, career or life will be enough to push on to the next level. Successful people aren’t just lucky, they will be successful because of the effort they have put in to achieving what they want.
Wondering where to start?
Ask yourself the questions above. Identify two or three things that you want to improve. Ask yourself “What will I need to do to achieve this?”
You can download my personal development plan template here. Use this to plan your personal development and track your progress.
If you want some support then you could work with a coach. You can find out more about me on the ‘meet Leanne’ page and see what I offer on ‘my programmes‘