My Blogs
How To Lead A Fast Growing Business
How to Lead a Fast Growing Business Leading a fast growth organisation can be hard. There's so much to juggle and it's easy to feel like it's getting out of control. Decisions are made at pace, there may be mistakes and the team may start to feel the pressure. The...
Turn Your Dreams Into Reality
Do you have dreams, visions or plans about things you'd love to have or achieve? Having the dream is the easy part. Making it a reality can be more challenging. However, the good news is that there are proven techniques that can get you from where you are to where you...
6 Steps to Overcome Limiting Beliefs to Achieve More Financial Success I notice that there’s a pattern between people who want more and feeling guilty. If life’s OK as it is now, is it alright to want to achieve and earn more or is it greedy - is the question I...
How To Use Habits to Reach Your Goals
Are you ready to smash your goals? One of the keys to reaching a new goal is to have habits in place that support that goal. If your current habits are counter-productive, you'll need to change them to make sure that you achieve the success you desire. And, if...
Why People Trigger Us
Do you notice that some people can irritate you without even speaking? Who comes to mind …?Or you might find that you start chatting with someone and they start to get your back up, or at worst offend you. Why does this happen? We all have “triggers” and when...
Six Unexpected Ways That a Lack of Confidence Might Be Showing Up In You
Have you ever considered whether you struggle with insecurity? Being comfortable in our own skin can be one of the greatest challenges that we ever face. Yet, a secure person is likely to experience more success, have meaningful relationships, and gain respect from...
How to Give Negative Feedback in a Positive Way
Negative feedback – it’s not something that most people look forward to sharing! It’s easy to procrastinate and find plenty of reasons to avoid it. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. In fact, procrastinating is one of the worst things that you can do,...
How to Improve Your Communication
Are You a Victim of Vagueness Or a Champion of Clarity? It is estimated that our brains receive information through our senses that result in some four billion neuron impulses per second. Of these four billion pieces of information, we are only consciously aware of...
Why stress management is so important!
A survey carried out in the UK in 2020 found that the most common type of stress experienced by Brits was work stress, with 79% saying they frequently felt this type of stress, and with a further 60% saying they often felt monetary stress, and 48% experienced family...
When Leadership Goes Wrong
Failure, mistakes, slip ups - we have all made them. As leaders, we often feel pressured into being right. We see this modelled every day on the news, especially at the moment around Covid and Brexit. The Government are human and make mistakes, however, rarely hold...
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