6 Steps to Overcome Limiting Beliefs to Achieve More Financial Success
I notice that there’s a pattern between people who want more and feeling guilty. If life’s OK as it is now, is it alright to want to achieve and earn more or is it greedy – is the question I see people struggling with.

It’s my view that life is meant to be limitless. We can all seek to achieve anything we want. In fact, by achieving more ourselves we can inspire others to see all the possibilities.
My thoughts are that you can be grateful for what you have now, and desire more at the same time.
As you tap into your desire to achieve more, you create the life you are meant to have. As you create more, you have more and that means you can do more. For yourself, your family, your clients or team. If you have more, you give more to others around you.
I appreciate many people experience doubt and fear about their career or business and what they’re not achieving. You might think you’re underpaid, feel frustrated by the lack of progress or sad about not having achieved what you want.
Here’s the thing. You feel this way because you were meant for more.
Achieving anything less than what you know you can, eats away at you. And resisting that is draining.
So, if it’s not greedy or selfish to want more, what’s stopping you?
It may be that you have a limiting financial belief if you’re achieving or earning less than you’d like. It’s that simple. Limiting financial beliefs restrict your ability to create and maintain wealth. Addressing your beliefs is a good first step if your financial situation isn’t as you want. Changing your beliefs allows you to unlock your true potential.
Here are a few common limiting beliefs about money
- Rich people are bad in some way. You may have the belief that rich people are greedy or selfish. It’s easy to talk yourself out of wealth when you believe these things.
- Belief that your earning capability is limited. You may believe that your lack of experience, knowledge or the right connections places a ceiling on your earning potential. This ceiling can be challenging to overcome.
- Making a lot of money requires a lot of risk and time. Do you believe that making a lot of money will require too much time away from your family or force you to risk everything you already have?
- “I’m not good with money.” Such a definitive statement can limit your ability to earn and retain money.
These are just a few examples. Any belief that limits your ability to earn more and grow your wealth is a limiting belief. Make a list of your beliefs that limit your financial success.
6 Steps to Change Your Limiting Financial Beliefs
Recognise that beliefs aren’t reality. They’re your belief about reality. There’s a huge difference. Your past experiences may not reflect of how things normally work. Your beliefs can be both false and deceiving.
Choose an alternative belief. You might believe that rich people are greedy. An alternative belief could be, “Rich people have more opportunities and resources to help others. I could do more for others if I had more money.”

Examine why you hold your current negative belief. Maybe your parents told you that rich people are greedy. Maybe you witnessed rich people around you who swindled their way to wealth. Understand why you have the belief in the first place. What is the root of the belief?
Challenge the belief. You notice that your parents weren’t wealthy. Neither has anyone in your family. And none of your family friends are rich. Perhaps you parents disliked wealthy families. You conclude that your parents are not a good source of information on the topic.
Find information to support your new belief. Find a list of wealthy people who do good in the world. Check out some of their books or blogs. Reinforce your new belief by aligning your reading to it.
Monitor yourself. Notice when the limiting belief occurs. Quickly remind yourself of your new belief. Remind yourself of why the old belief is wrong and the new belief is correct. With enough evidence to support your new belief, you’ll build a new mindset about the topic.
Finally …
Are your beliefs limiting your wealth? Of course! Even if you’re a billionaire, there’s a reason why you don’t have £100 billion. But billionaires still have more effective beliefs than someone struggling to make ends meet. Address your beliefs around money and wealth if you want to see a real change to your financial success.
If you’re finding that counter productive thoughts are getting in the way of you achieving the success, wealth and happiness you know you’ve in you, then I’ve just the thing. Download my eBook 7 Ways to Overcome Self Doubt, it’s time to break free and be your best. Click here to access: FREE DOWNLOAD.